Ratibida is a small genus of only 5 or 6 species from the prairies of North America and Mexico. These biennials and perennials have woody crowns and branching stems topped by yellow cone-shaped flowers with prominent columnar florets. They are useful in a sunny border, wildflower meadow, or for cutting.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsDaisy-like flowers that resemble small sombreros. Good cut flower. Drought-resistant.
CareThese prairie plants need dry, well-drained, moderately fertile, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. They are drought-resistant.
PropagationStart seed in containers in a cold frame in early spring. Divide perennials in spring when young (mature plants have woody roots).
ProblemsDowny mildew, powdery mildew, leaf smut, and fungal spots sometimes affect Ratibida .