From tropical, swampy areas in the southern U.S. and northern South America come 14 species of palms with deeply divided, fan-shaped leaves. Panicles of 3-petal flowers bloom between the leaves in summer. Often the dead leaves form a kind of skirt below each crown. They make striking specimens in warmer areas. Use in greenhouses or as houseplants where not hardy.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsFan-shaped leaves.
CareIn the garden, grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun with some shade in the middle of the day. Indoors, grow in bright indirect light. Mist lightly every day in summer.
PropagationSow seed in spring at 66° to 75°F.
ProblemsTar spot, butt rot, false smut, manganese deficiency, fungal leaf spots. In the greenhouse, watch for spider mites and scale insects.