These annuals, perennials, and shrubs in 60 or so species are native to dry mountain slopes of the Americas and South Africa. They are grown mainly for their showy, saucer-shaped flowers in white, red, purple, pink, orange, or yellow. Foliage is often downy and may be coarse.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsShowy, colorful, saucer-shaped flowers. Most species in this genus are native to North America. Some species are used as food plants by butterfly larvae.
CareProvide full sun and very well-drained, gravelly soil. Protect from winter moisture. Grow in a sheltered location in colder climates. Move plants into a greenhouse if necessary to avoid heavy winter rains.
PropagationStart seed, or divide plants, in spring.
ProblemsHollyhock rust. Wet conditions often kills these plants.