The genus Teucrium encompasses 100 or so species of perennials, shrubs, and subshrubs, mainly from the Mediterranean region. A shrubby habit, fragrant foliage, and tubular or bell-shaped flowers in shades of purple, pink, blue, and yellow make these plants great additions to rock gardens and sheltered borders. Or they can be used as hedges, in raised beds or troughs, or in a knot garden, depending on size and habit.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsAromatic foliage; shrubby habit; attractive flowers.
CareWell-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. Grow the smallest species in poor, gritty soil to keep them compact.
PropagationAs soon as the seeds are ripe, sow in containers in a cold frame. Using bottom heat, insert softwood cuttings in early summer or semi-ripe cuttings in midsummer. Overwinter young plants of tender species in a cool greenhouse, then root softwood cuttings in late winter or early spring.