
  • Ways to Improve Pollination in the Veggie Garden

    Procreation in the garden is pretty simple. The pollen from a flower’s stamen has to find the ovary (pistil) in another—or sometimes the same—flower; the plant is now pollinated, and…

  • potting soil spilling out of a container

    Potting Soil Put to the Test

    In their natural environment, plants get everything they need to stay healthy from the soil: water, nutrients, and air. Most well-established plants living in soil rarely need more than an…

  • ‘Axminster Gold’ Comfrey 

    Trade in Your Troublesome Plants

    If you’ve ever grown plants, odds are that you’ve tried a plant that you couldn’t (or shouldn’t) grow for some reason. Did your grandma grow lilacs on her farm in…

  • Spineless Hedgehog™ aloe, Retro Succulents® Carmine™ aloe, Tree aeonium, mistletoe cactus, Cochineal nopal cactus, QIS Orange gomphrena, feather grass and Acapulco Orange hyssop in a brown container

    Pick a Color, Any Color

    Last spring, we challenged our readers to design a container that featured a single color. Whether you have a passion for purple, a yen for yellow, or an obsession for…

  • Miss Willmott’s ghost and ‘El Nino’ hosta

    Create a Garden with Cohesiveness

    Have you ever noticed that the best gardens have a seamless continuity? These spaces, which are often featured in gardening books and magazines, always seem to flow together beautifully because…

  • potted plant on a path surrounded by soft colored plantings

    Lessons Learned From a 25-Year-Old Garden

    Mary and Lew Reid never looked back after abandoning a beautiful established garden to start from scratch. But when you’re moving from a densely shaded garden at the foot of…

  • ‘Caroline’ clustered campanula

    The Best Varieties of Campanula

    Contemplating the myriad of campanulas makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. The diversity of floral shapes, blossom colors, and plant habits is both astound­ing and enticing.…

  • bugwood

    How to Control the Beetles That Damage the Garden

    Proper identification is necessary before choosing a method of control

  • Our Favorite Varieties of Cucumbers

    Many people wouldn’t dream of a garden without cucumbers. Fortunately for gardeners and food lovers, there are several cucumber varieties to choose from. One of the oldest agricultural crops, cucumbers…

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