Featured Articles

  • Take the Vegetable Garden to New Heights Video

    A time-lapse video showing rooftop garden atop the Vancouver Club.

  • Hartlage Wine Sweetshrub

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the South

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • Bangle Dyers Greenwood

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the Southern Plains

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • Fernbush

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the Southwest

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • Mesa Verde Colorado Spruce

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the Mountain West

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • Evergreen Huckleberry

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the Northwest

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • Cutleaf Stephanandra

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the Midwest

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • Red Sprite Winterberry

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for the Northeast

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone, but has always taunted you with…

  • tough shrubs

    Tough-as-Nails Shrubs for Your Region

    Who doesn't love buying the flashy new plant that catches everyone's eye at the nursery? Or the plant that's just outside your hardiness zone but has always taunted you with…

  • How to Use Organic Controls to Battle Garden Pests

    As we learn more about the ecological impacts of human actions, it seems only natural that more and more gardeners are seeking out environmentally friendly methods of pest control. One…


  • Cool-Season Containers

    The end of the growing season is a relaxing time. Cooler temperatures prevail, and plants are slowing down or are preparing to go dormant. This isn’t really a time, then,…

  • illustration showing the food forest model in natural layers

    Earth-Friendly Gardening

    The first time I visited an established permaculture homestead, I felt an immediate connection to the way of life embodied in that special place. This well-designed living environment was also…

  • salad plate with edible plants and a fork

    Flowers That You Can Eat

    For years we’ve seen flowers used as garnishes. Peppery nasturtium flowers (Tropaeolum spp. and cvs., annual) add a nice bite to salads, and violets (Viola spp. and cvs., USDA Hardiness…

  • path lined with plants leading to a chair

    Hardworking Hardscape

    If I had a gardening time machine, I would use it to return to the day I started my garden. Instead of going to the nursery and getting a trunkful…

  • VIew of the skyline, a raised bed and seating area from the garden

    Take the Vegetable Garden to New Heights

    The task was a bit overwhelming: Design and create an edible garden that was productive enough to supply produce for a restaurant, make sure it looked beautiful most of the…

  • Vines for the Connoisseur

    Climbers add a depth and complexity to the garden that just can’t be achieved with perennials and shrubs. The sweeping flow and layered effects vines provide give a landscape a…

  • tough perennials

    Tough-As-Nails Perennials

    I find it hard to leave any nursery without at least a few new purchases. I am often enthralled by some hot new perennial with a flashy tag that is…

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