Garden Photo of the Day

More from Amy’s secret garden in Iowa

Yesterday we got to watch as Amy created her secret little oasis in 2013. Today she's back with photos from its second year! More info in the captions. Enjoy!

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Spring 2014 we added some phlox, ferns, wave petunias, and so much more!

Instead of doing gladiolas down the walk way we thought we would try wave petunias. This picture is of my girls and I in early spring, 2014.

A few weeks later the petunias took off and so did the weeds! Here are my little ladies pulling weeds from their petunias!

As you can see, our wave petunias took off!!

My girls loved the daisies!

And so did I!!

Our Asiatic lily

Eva's Oriental lily

View 26 comments


  1. ruthaltman 03/24/2015

    A great love for the beauty of a flower

  2. JuleMG 03/25/2015

    Beautiful little girl flowers!

  3. wGardens 03/25/2015

    Your photos today of your garden and your little ladies are absolutely DELIGHTFUL!

  4. jerrysiss 03/25/2015

    Glad you had some helpers! Always makes gardening easier!

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/25/2015

    What a great family activity! I bet you all are looking forward to trying some new things this year. Happy gardening!

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/25/2015

    Well, Amy, besides planting flowers, you are planting wonderful family memories! Love the vibrancy of the mixed colors of the wave petunias....I get a burst of energy just looking at them cascading into the pathway.

  7. NCYarden 03/25/2015

    Really enjoying the burst of vibrant colors this morning. And it is so good to see you establishing your garden legacy by instilling that enjoyment with your kids. Hopefully you are setting strong roots for the next generation of successful gardeners, much like yourself.

  8. user-7007457 03/25/2015

    Beautiful inspiration for the weeks's stormy on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state this morning...

  9. melindacoleholt 03/25/2015

    Wow! These pictures are absolutely stunning! And such a precious family. Thanks for sharing.

  10. digginWA 03/25/2015

    What a fun project! You are making memories out there, along with a garden. But where did the chairs go ...?

    1. amyfleshner 03/25/2015

      Well, I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but I'm terrified of snakes! Let's just say I had a little scare with a pair of snakes! I've been told they are 'helpful' for my garden.....I'm just not confident, yet, that we can work together in there in peace and harmony!! So the snake chairs were temporily moved out of the garden! :)

      1. summer43224 03/25/2015

        Can't say I would sit out there (pretty as it is) with snakes strolling around either.

  11. GrannyMay 03/25/2015

    Beautiful flowers and a beautiful story. Your daughters will have a good start to being gardeners themselves and enjoying a wonderful hobby.

    Snakes are very important in your garden. You're lucky to have them to take care of slugs. They are more scared of you than you are of them. They won't bother you.

  12. sheila_schultz 03/25/2015

    Pinks and purples... perfect flower colors for little girls, and I bet they have already picked out what they want to plant this year! Pretty sweet 'girl time'.

  13. albion10 03/25/2015

    Great photos, reminded me of helping my papa in his garden when I was a kid. Of all the kid memories what better ones to have.

  14. schatzi 03/25/2015

    Beautiful garden and gardeners. I have learned to tolerate garter snakes, as they do so much good in the garden and they "run" faster than you do - the other way. I even apologize when I disturb one's sun break. Spiders are good too, altho I hate walking into their webs. We have to learn to get along with nature - we are part of it too. And if we do, we get a lot of help. My late favorite entomologist had a saying: " when you kill beneficial insects, you inherit their work".

  15. Cenepk10 03/25/2015

    Quite a stand of echinacea ! Pretty family makes pretty garden !

  16. GrannyCC 03/25/2015

    Gorgeous!! Love the colours and the beautiful pictures of you and your Daughters. Obviously your garden is planted with love as everything is thriving.
    As a child I didn't like snakes but my Grandmother taught me how beneficial they are especially for getting rid of slugs. I think the problem is that they hide and when we come along they are scared and slither off. Just think how big and scary we must look!!

  17. summer43224 03/25/2015

    Those daisies look like coneflowers (echinaceas).

  18. rachelshoemaker 03/25/2015

    Those "daisies" are Echinacea aka coneflowers.

  19. annek 03/25/2015

    Love the wave petunias spilling over your edging with your beautiful daughters as the perfect companions. Julie was right, they are wonderful little girl flowers. I also enjoyed seeing the photograph of's so fun seeing the gardener and creator in her element!

  20. foxglove12 03/25/2015

    Lessons and skills that will last a lifetime. Fabulous!

  21. davsav 03/25/2015

    Wonderful project and I bet your kids loved the time spent you spent together on the garden project. Thanks for sending in the pictures.

  22. Nurserynotnordstroms 03/25/2015

    Great photos,and such vibrant colors. When your girls are grown and gardening there own gardens they will look back on these photos and see it all started when they were very young. Plant the seed in a little ones brain while they are children and they are sure to grow up and cherish the earth and respect Mother Nature.

  23. eddireid 03/26/2015

    The best way to learn not to be afraid of local snakes is to learn what they look like, Amy. I know how you feel for I still am nervous,too. But I decided that it was safer to learn what not to be afraid of and bought a little I.D. Book which I read with my granddaughters - they never laugh at me! Together we were able to find snakes very interesting, though not cuddly! Your little darling girls may also become fascinated and unafraid of the wildlife in your garden, for most of it is not harmful and simply finding a nice place to live. And your garden IS a beautiful place. Enjoy your creation with your daughters.

  24. 03/29/2015

    So pretty! I love all of the color! Isn't it amazing how many plants you can get into a small space?

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