Garden Photo of the Day

Nancy’s garden in Oregon

'Elijah Blue' fescue with Salvia nemerosa 'Cardonna' and Achillea 'Pomegranite' 2 WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

Today’s photos are from Nancy Sarpola. She says, “We garden on a 1/4 acre hillside lot in Corvallis, Oregon. We have a large patio, grassy area, and paths with densely planted mixed beds in between. The photos are mostly of plant combinations I like.”

Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’, a rose-colored scabiosa and Achillea ‘Moonshine”
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

I can see why you like them, Nancy! Gorgeous garden, + gorgeous photos. Thanks so much. Feel free to send more!

‘Cancun’ Asiatic lilies and Maltese cross in front of a purple smoke tree.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Clematis ‘Perle de Azure’ and Astilbe ‘Bridal Veil’
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
A coral dahlia with Solidago ‘Fireworks’ and a New England aster.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Bearded iris ‘Rare Treat’ with a helianthemum, lady’s mantle, and Sedum ‘Angelina’ in the background
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Our front hillside on a rainy fall day. It features barberries, Chamaecyparis ‘Gold Thread’, Acer ‘Sango Kaku’ and blue oat grass.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
A border in part shade featuring Hosta sieboldii ‘Elegans’, Dicentra ‘Bacchanal’, sedges, astilbes, and Hosta ‘Patriot’
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Ceramic poppy seed pods
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

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View 20 comments


  1. appaloosa 12/13/2012

    Nice flowers and yard. Maybe I can go visit this yard someday since I also live in Corvallis.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/13/2012

    beautiful hillside, great combos, and great photos!

  3. user-258617 12/13/2012

    Super combos! More please!

  4. mainer59 12/13/2012

    What stunning plant combinations! The few photos you sent showing more of your garden are also lovely. I like the white of Hosta Patriot lightening that part of the boarder. Please post more photos another time showing the combinations and how they work in your overall scheme. It looks like your garden is pretty big and uses all colors from cool to hot.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/13/2012

    Nancy, it looks like your garden sings a colorful song from spring through fall. As others have already noted, you have some great combinations and I, too would love to see some additional pictures of how things flow.I was admiring your very attractive paver edging in the photo featuring the large hosta. Do you have that along all your garden lines? That is such a handsome, classy look.

  6. Wife_Mother_Gardener 12/13/2012

    Excellent gardening! I love your use of the white astilbe with the clematis. Thanks for sharing your pretty combinations!

  7. Plant_Paradise 12/13/2012

    Fantastic plant combinations and some great photos of them.

  8. tractor1 12/13/2012

    Nancy, I love your hillside, adds wonderful interest. And I envy your Acer 'Sango Kaku' (coral bark maple), it looks a good size, was it already there or did you plant it? I'd like one but they are slow growers and don't get very large so it would be a long time before it would be safe from deer and I'm tired of looking at fenced trees. Thank you, Nancy, I enjoyed your pictures.

  9. wanderinggardener 12/13/2012

    These are beautiful plant combinations, Nancy. I would also love to see some braoader photos of the garden, showing how these combinations work in the overall garden scheme.

  10. stuie60 12/13/2012

    I LOVE all your garden plotes that you have on your web sight. You have used alote of colors in the gardens their witch I love to see it makes a happyer world
    to live in.

  11. pattyspencer 12/13/2012

    I really like all your color combinations. Thank you for sharing your garden with us

  12. NevadaSue 12/13/2012

    Nancy, These are beautiful! I love your color and texture combinations. The hosta with the bleeding heart and Coral Bells underneath are so pleasing, like a mother hen spreading her wings to protect her young. I too love your edging and curve lines along the boarder. The Clematis and Astilbe make me want to add Astilbe to my clematis vine and your Iris is one of my favorite. I'll be looking forward to more of your pictures.

  13. Happyg 12/13/2012

    I am definitly going to use some of your plant combos in my garden, I too have a big garden and lots of places to experiment. Thanks for sharing!!

  14. darylsavage 12/14/2012

    Wow Nancy! Beautiful combos! I love the coral bells and dicentra around the bottom of the hosta, and I also love the brick edging. I am surprised at how many sun-lovers you can grow in what I think of as cloudy Oregon. Are you an artist? Your design is particularly artistic to me.

  15. oregongardengal 12/14/2012

    Thanks for your kind comments! I will look around for some shots that show more of an overall look. We have pavers around most of the lawn edge. It makes it a little easier to keep it mowed and keep grass out of the garden beds. The Coral Bark maple was a sapling about 20 years ago. I think it's worth it to plant a few small trees that will take some years to really shine!

  16. oregongardengal 12/14/2012

    Appaloosa, you are welcome to visit sometime. I live just north of woodland meadow. There are several nice gardens on my street.

    We have trouble with deer too, tractor1 and it's getting worse. I would have a hard time getting a small maple started in the front yard now.

  17. oregongardengal 12/14/2012

    Daryl, professionally, I am a nurse. Thanks for the compliment on the artistic side of my garden. of course, photos allow me to show the best parts while I plan reworks on the parts I don't like as much!!

  18. cwheat000 12/14/2012

    Your garden is a real step above the average. Your beds and borders look well thought out and the results are special. Your color combos are beautiful. One of my favorites is the Cancun lily/Maltese cross/smoke bush combo.

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  20. user-6536305 12/05/2017

    Love your plant combinations Nancy!

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