Full-moon maple has deeply lobed leaves, crimson autumn color, and plenty of small, reddish flowers in spring. It can be grown as a small tree or multi-stemmed shrub. Its growth habit is mounded, bushy, and spreading. The cultivar name ‘Aconitifolium’ refers to the fact that its ferny foliage resembles that of monkshood ( Aconitum ). This beautiful tree makes a great specimen plant and is very hardy.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsGood fall color; deeply lobed leaves; free-flowering.
CareAverage, well-drained soil in part shade (leaves may burn in full sun). Protect from strong winds. Stake for more upright growth, or leave alone to create a cascade of foliage. Prune only from late autumn to mid-winter.
PropagationGraft in late winter; bud in late summer. Sow seed in situ or in containers outdoors as soon as ripe.
ProblemsMaples are prone to aphids, scale insects, and caterpillars; Verticillium wilt, tar spot, and various fungal leaf spots and roots are common. Branch cankers and heart and wood rots also occur.
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XLUX Soil Moisture Meter
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- Simply insert the moisture meter into soil and you'll get the test result instantly
- Single probe, less hurts to the roots, doesn't dig up too much soil after test
- Genus : Acer
- Plant Height : 15 to 30 feet
- Plant Width : 15 to 30 feet
- Zones : 5, 6, 7
- Light : Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Moisture : Medium Moisture
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Flower Color : Red
- Characteristics : Showy Foliage
- Plant Type : Shrubs
- Bloom Time : Spring
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Summer Interest
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