Sprays of long, tubular buds spark into a fiery scarlet and fade to a pale cream on this annual climbing vine. A single flower holds tints of yellow, warm pink, orange, and red as if a watercolorist had laid down colors one layer at a time. As the bud matures, the colors wash away, leaving a pale blossom pushed open at the tip by protruding anthers. From a distance, the plant seems to be covered in hundreds of brightly lit candles. This vine also produces rich, bronzy-purple new growth which ages to a lovely deep green. The heavily indented, trilobed leaves resemble a hawk’s strong wings, giving the plant the look of birds in flight. The foliage stays intact and healthy until frost. The bottom of the vine sheds its leaves as the season progresses, so disguising its bare base behind lower-growing plants is a must.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsLong, colorful sprays of flowers in autumn.
CareFull sun and well-drained, moderately fertile soil in a sheltered location. Provide support.
PropagationChip seeds or soak in water for 24 hours and then sow singly at 64°F.
ProblemsWhite blister, rust, fungal leaf spots, stem rot, thread blight, charcoal rot, and wilt.
- Plant Height : 6 to 10 feet
- Plant Type : Annuals
- Bloom Time : Fall
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Fall Interest
- Light : Full Sun
- Moisture : Medium Moisture
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Flower Color : Red, White, Yellow
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