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Plant Guide
Blue Fortune hyssop
Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’
'Blue Fortune' produces spikes of powder-blue flowers held over large, deep green foliage.
Plant Guide
Pacific chrysanthemum
Ajania pacifica 'Yellow Splash'This low-mounding perennial has lobed, silver-edged foliage and small yellow flowerheads in autumn.
Plant Guide
Actaea simplex 'Brunette'This chocolate-leaved cultivar up to 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide bears compact spikes of white flowers in late summer.
Plant Guide
Astrantia majorMasterwort produces many small, ivory flowers that are flushed pink and that bloom continuously throughout the summer and fall, wafting a sweet scent.
Plant Guide
Common horseradish
Armoracia rusticana 'Variegata'This plant's large, undulating leaves are textured like puckered crepe paper.
Plant Guide
East Indies aster
Aster tongolensisThis is a mat-forming aster with thick, almost leafless stems that support solitary, violet-blue ray florets and orange-yellow disk florets.
Plant Guide
Northern pussy toes
Antennaria neodioicaThis deciduous, mat-forming perennial produces everlasting flowers.
Plant Guide
Peach Sorbet™ blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosumPeach Sorbettm is not a peach but a midsize blueberry that has exceptionally sweet fruit.
Plant Guide
Lewisia tweedyi
Lewisia tweedyiThis evergreen perennial has broad, lance-shaped mid-green leaves to 4 inches long, tinted with purple and borne in basal rosettes up to 18 inches in diameter.