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  • Plant Guide

    ‘Kindly Light’ daylily

    Hemerocallis 'Kindly Light'

    'Kindly Light' has large, yellow-green, spider-like flowers but no fragrance.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘June Bride’ coral bells

    Heuchera x brizoides 'June Bride'

    This hybrid heuchera has lobed, dark-green leaves and big panicles of large white flowers in late spring and early summer.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Chiqui’ heuchera

    Heuchera 'Chiqui'

    Unlike many heucheras that are grown for their foliage, this heuchera is grown for its tall, large salmon-oink blooms on stems that rise 18 inches above the foliage in spring.

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    ‘Amethyst Mist’ heuchera

    Heuchera 'Amethyst Myst'

    This heuchera has burgundy leaves splashed with silver and grows up to 16 inches tall and 18 inches wide.

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    ‘Blue Shadows’ hosta

    Hosta ‘Blue Shadows’

    'Blue Shadows' is a medium-sized plant with coarse, deep blue, variegated leaves.

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    ‘Bronze Wave’ heuchera

    Heuchera villosa 'Bronze Wave'

    'Bronze Wave', bred from the native Heuchera villosa ,  is, like its parent, renowned for its vigor and resistance to heat and humidity.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Brigadoon’ Aaron’s beard

    Hypericum calycinum ‘Brigadoon’

    'Brigadoon' is an Aaron's beard (aka St. John's wort) with brilliant chartreuse-yellow foliage that looks great next to dark-foliaged plants.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Happy Returns’ daylily

    Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’

    This pale-yellow-flowered daylily distinguishes itself with its profuse bloom and compact size (only 16 inches tall), making it good for containers and the borders.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Palace Purple’ heuchera

    Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia ‘Palace Purple’

    Clump-forming perennial features a mound of maple or ivy-like, long-petioled leaves (3 to 5 inches wide) that are an attractive deep purple above and beet red beneath.

  • Plant Guide

    Sunny hosta

    Hosta ‘Sun Power’

    'Sun Power' is a clump-forming perennial with oval to heart-shaped, yellowish green leaves below funnel-shaped, pale-lavender to white flowers in midsummer.