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Plant Guide
Flower Carpet® Scarlet rose
Rosa × ‘NOA83100B’Each bush is covered in a masses of scarlet red blooms from late spring thru fall.
Plant Guide
Flower Carpet® Pink Supreme
Rosa × ‘NOA168098F’Each bush is covered in a mass explosion of vivid pink blooms all summer long.
Plant Guide
White calla lily
Zantedeschia aethiopicaThe most familiar calla, this 3-foot-tall and 2-foot-wide plant has large white flowers—up to 10 inches long—that surround a creamy yellow fingerlike centerpiece.
Plant Guide
Blue woolly speedwell
Veronica pectinataThis dense, mat-forming species has 3-inch-tall evergreen foliage with toothed gray leaves.
Plant Guide
Purple mullein
Verbascum phoeniceum
This biennial or short-lived perennial species is one of the earliest mulleins to bloom.
Plant Guide
Tanacetum partheniumFeverfew is a short-lived, bushy perennial that has become naturalized in much of North America.
Plant Guide
Blue throatwort
Trachelium caeruleumThis species bears dome-shaped flower heads several inches across that are crowded with tiny, tubular amethyst or white flowers that look somewhat like the blooms of an allium.
Plant Guide
‘Pink Chintz’ thyme
Thymus serpyllum ‘Pink Chintz’One of the first thymes to flower each year, this charming and reliable cultivar bursts into bloom in early spring with unique salmon-pink flowers.
Plant Guide
Talinum paniculatumThis tuberous-rooted tender perennial is related to portulaca, but has fleshy green leaves and delicate, wiry flower stalks.
Plant Guide
‘Mahogany Jewel’ nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus ‘Mahogany Jewel’This old-fashioned cultivar of the species has a mounding habit and grows 12-18 inches tall and wide.