1 to 3 feet - Page 35 of 73

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    Cigar plant

    Cuphea micropetala

    This tireless bloomer is best known for its small, tubular flowers, each colored in vivid orange hues and tipped with white, like the ash on a glowing cigar.

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    ‘Wonder of Staffa’ aster

    Aster  × frikartii 'Wonder of Staffa'

    This repeat-blooming aster produces bright, 2-inch-wide, violet-blue flowers from mid-summer into fall.

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    ‘Moonshine’ yarrow

    Achillea 'Moonshine'

    This popular gray-leaved yarrow has 18-inch-tall yellow flower heads that last for several weeks in late summer.

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    ‘Frances Fay’ daylily

    Hemerocallis ‘Frances Fay’

    This floriforous daylily is a melony yellow.

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    ‘Arizona Sun’ Blanket flower

    Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun'

    This 2005 All-America Selections® winner is a cultivar of our native blanket flower.

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    Salvia ‘Mystic Spires Blue’

    Salvia ‘Mystic Spires Blue’

    Throughout the summer, 'Mystic Spires Blue' produces long stalks of dark blue flowers, which continue to reward in abundance when deadheaded.

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    Lavender cotton

    Santolina chamaecyparissus

    This fine-textured, mound-forming shrub has gray foliage and yellow, button-like flowerheads formed by tubular flowers appearing in summer.

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    Solomon’s seal

    Polygonatum humile

    Polygonatum humile is an upright, rhizomatous perennial native to eastern Europe and western Asia.

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    ‘Tiger Stripe’ elephant’s ear

    Colocasia esculenta ‘Tiger Stripe’

    This purple-and-cream-streaked elephant's ear makes a splash in any combination imaginable.

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    ‘Amethyst in Snow’ Mountain bluet

    Centaurea montana ‘Amethyst in Snow’

    The blooms of this familiar perennial are not the standard blue; instead, they’re a striking silky white with royal purple centers.