1 to 3 feet - Page 51 of 73 - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    Purple loosestrife

    Lythrum salicaria

    The showy purple spikes of purple loosestrife are attractive in the garden and along roadsides, but the plant's rampant spread has greatly reduced the ecological value of marshes by displacing…

  • Plant Guide

    Rose vervain

    Verbena canadensis ‘Apple Blossom’

    This low-growing perennial produces long-lasting light pink blossoms with dark pink centers.

  • Plant Guide

    Silver sage

    Salvia argentea

    This biennial or short-lived perennial is grown for its massive, downy-silver rosettes of foliage.

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    ‘Courtasol’ Forsythia

    Forsythia ‘Courtasol’

    Like other cultivars of this genus, 'Courtasol' is as tough as nails.

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    Japanese aster

    Kalimeris yomena

    Beautiful variegation brightens the green and grey mottled foliage.

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    Delphinium elatum

    Delphinium elatum

    The parent of the regal hybrid Delphiniums, the species has 3- to 4-foot-tall spires of blue, violet, lavender, or white flowers.

  • Plant Guide

    Dwarf bluestar

    Amsonia montana 'Short Stack’

    Chalk up another great plant introduction from the folks at Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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    Chaix mullein

    Verbascum chaixii

    This is one of the few truly perennial species of mullein.

  • Plant Guide

    Rough gayfeather

    Liatris aspera

    This tuberous perennial has dense clusters of linear, rough leaves borne in basal tufts to 16 inches long.

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    Zigzag goldenrod

    Solidago flexicaulis

    This species is aptly named for its distinctive crooked stems that bend back and forth at 45° angles between nodes.