1 to 3 feet - Page 17 of 67 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Mint-scented geranium
Pelargonium tomentosumThe velvety leaves of this choice species are pale green with long, silky hairs.
Plant Guide
Junior Walker™ nepeta
Nepeta 'Novanepjun'This compact Nepeta retains the non-reseeding quality of its popular parent 'Walker's Low' at one third its size.
Plant Guide
‘Hawera’ daffodil
Narcissus ‘Hawera’Triandrus-type daffodils usually have one or two nodding flowers per stem and are noted for their wonderful, often fruity, fragrance.
Plant Guide
‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ daffodil
Narcissus ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’Narcissus ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ is a classic yellow trumpet-type daffodil and one of the earliest blooming.
Plant Guide
‘Jerusalem’ paperwhite narcissus
Narcissus ‘Jerusalem’This tender paperwhite is well-suited to forcing, blooming 3 to 4 weeks after planting.
Plant Guide
‘Nazareth’ paperwhite narcissus
Narcissus ‘Nazareth’This tender paperwhite is well-suited to forcing, blooming 3 weeks after planting.
Plant Guide
‘Chinese Sacred Lily’ paperwhite narcissus
Narcissus ‘Chinese Sacred Lily’This tender paperwhite is well-suited to forcing, blooming 3 to 5 weeks after planting.
Plant Guide
Ruby grass
Melinus nerviglumisThis clumping, blue-green foliaged grass has amethyst-pink flowers that create fluffy, 8- to 12-inch-long plumes throughout the summer.
Plant Guide
Longleaf Oregon grape
Mahonia nervosaA 2-foot-high evergreen shrub native to the woods and woodland edges of the Pacific Northwest, mahonia gives a shady area three seasons of interest.