1 to 3 feet - Page 36 of 67 - Fine Gardening

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    ‘Florida Sun’ coleus

    Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Florida Sun’

    Sunburn never looked so good as it does on 'Florida Sun'.

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    ‘Lakeside Shore Master’ hosta

    Hosta ‘Lakeside Shore Master’

    With hefty, chartreuse-flared leaves, ‘Lakeside Shore Master’ hosta commands attention.

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    Variegated purple fountain grass

    Pennisetum 'Fireworks'

    Pennisetum 'Fireworks' is the first variegated purple fountain grass.

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    Dwarf Purple Hollyhock

    Alcea rosea annua 'Spring Celebrities Purple'

    This hollyhock is a multi-use plant that can be grown as a cut flower, used in large containers, or planted in the landscape.

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    Darcey Bussell rose

    Rosa 'Darcey Bussell'

    This rose, with its short, bushy growth, is an excellent shrub for the front of the border or for planting in formal rose beds.

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    Threadleaf coreopsis

    Coreopsis hybrid 'Route 66'

    'Route 66' features big, bold, bicolor blooms.

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    Flower Carpet® Amber ground-cover rose

    Rosa × ‘NOA97400A’

    Each bush is covered in a mass explosion of amber blooms.

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    Caryopteris × clandonensis

    Bluebeard, also known as blue mist or blue spirea, can take the worst of a hot summer (heat, lack of water, and humidity) and still manage to perform well.

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    Bushy Aster, Hardy Aster

    Aster dumosus 'Wood's Pink'

    This is a short-growing aster has creeping rootstocks and pink, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers.

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    Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’

    Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’

    Plectranthus cultivars are popular foliage plants, but some gardeners grow them for their blooms, and one of the best bloomers is 'Mona Lavender'.