3 to 6 feet - Page 4 of 37 - Fine Gardening

  • bleeding heart
    Plant Guide

    Bleeding heart

    Dicentra spectabilis

    A garden favorite for many years, bleeding heart has soft green foliage and 1-inch-long rose pink and white heart-shaped flowers for several weeks in spring.

  • Plant Guide

    Dahlia ‘Kaiser Wilhelm’

    Dahlia 'Kaiser Wilhelm'

    Of the maybe 10,000 named dahlias introduced in the 1800s—when dahlias ranked right up there with roses in popularity—only three survive.

  • Plant Guide

    Common Foxglove

    Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice'

    This is a biennial or short-lived perennial, which may last longer and rebloom if deadheaded.

  • Plant Guide

    Delphinium ‘Delft Blue’

    Delphinium 'Delft Blue'

    Belonging to the Belladonna Group hybrids, this delphinium bears loose, branched spikes of intense blue flowers with soft white edges.

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    Winter daphne

    Daphne odora

    This evergreen species produces rose-purple buds that open to white and are intensely and exotically fragrant.

  • Plant Guide

    Indian rhubarb

    Darmera peltata

    Indian rhubarb's flower stalks emerge from the ground on naked stems in spring and are followed by cupped, rounded but indented leaves up to 24 inches across.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Star of the East’ crocosmia

    Crocosmia 'Star of the East'

    To put it in perspective, ‘Star of the East’ crocosmia is as far removed from the well-known ‘Lucifer’ crocosmia as Lady Gaga is from an Appalachian clogger.

  • Plant Guide

    Spider flower


    Umbels of pink, white, or fuchsia blossoms make spider flower a beloved addition in any border.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Mojito’ elephant’s ear

    Colocasia esculenta ‘Mojito’

    ‘Mojito’ makes a thrilling addition to perennial beds, where its exotic form and color will add more surprise and interest than any other shrub or perennial you might have considered…

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Pumila’ pampas grass

    Cortaderia selloana ‘Pumila”

    This dwarf cultivar has mid-green leaves and densely tufted plumes atop tall, upright stalks and arching mid-green leaves.