3 to 6 feet - Page 7 of 37 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Cardinal climber
Ipomoea × multifidaCardinal climber is a twining annual with deeply lobed mid-green leaves and 1-inch crimson blooms with white throats appearing in summer.
Plant Guide
Yellow flag
Iris pseudacorus and cvs.Yellow flag is a vigorous Laevigata iris with ribbed, sword-shaped gray-green leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Ruby Slippers’ oakleaf hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Ruby Slippers’I’m one of those people who thinks a garden without a hydrangea would seem incomplete.
Plant Guide
Mexican fire bush
Hamelia patensA tropical tree by design, the Mexican fire bush freezes to the ground in winter in Zones 8–11 but grows up to 5 feet tall by summer's end.
Plant Guide
St. John’s wort
Hypericum frondosum ‘Sunburst’
This is a small, upright, mounded, deciduous shrub with attractive, flaking reddish-brown bark on mature stems and striking, linear to oblong blue green leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Nikko Blue’ bigleaf hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko Blue’This is a well-loved and vigorous cultivar with large, rounded flower heads of a rich, gorgeous blue.
Plant Guide
False sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoidesThis clump-forming perennial bears striking, sunflower-like yellow blooms on long stalks from midsummer to early autumn.
Plant Guide
Blue oat grass
Helictotrichon sempervirensDramatic powder blue foliage and spiky architecture are hallmarks of this plant.
Plant Guide
‘Fidelio’ Gladiolus
Gladiolus 'Fidelio'This 3- to 4-foot-tall glad has luminous deep purplish-rose flowers.
Plant Guide
Summer hyacinth
Galtonia candicans
A native of South Africa, summer hyacinth sends up spikes of lovely white flowers in late summer amidst dark green, strap-like foliage, when many other perennials are done blooming.