6 to 12 inches - Page 4 of 21 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Pink Frost’ sweet potato vine
Ipomoea batatas 'Pink Frost'This sweet potato vine is blessed with leaves that are edged in pink.
Plant Guide
Crested iris
Iris cristataSpectacular, but fleeting, stemless blooms have blue-lilac petals, each with a white patch and a yellow or orange crest on each fall.
Plant Guide
Fast Growing Hosta
Hosta 'Little Aurora'A fast grower, 'Little Aurora' has cupped, puckered leaves and a metallic sheen, with soft-lavender flowers from late June into early July.
Plant Guide
Striped bloody cranesbill
Geranium sanguineum var. striatumA profusion of delicate pink, upward-facing blossoms cover this plant over a long period.
Plant Guide
Jewel orchid
Goodyera pubescensThis native terrestrial orchid produces basal rosettes of striking silvery-veined evergreen foliage.
Plant Guide
‘Boulder Blue’ blue fescue
Festuca glauca ‘Boulder Blue’Regarded by some as the bluest blue fescue, this plant forms compact, cascading mounds of foot-tall, intensely blue, narrow leaves that are attractive in all seasons.
Plant Guide
Longspur barrenwort
Epimedium grandiflorum cvs.Longspur barrenwort is a clump-forming, deciduous, rhizomatous perennial.
Plant Guide
Dahlia ‘Figaro’
Dahlia ‘Figaro’'Figaro' is a dwarf "landscape" dahlia with semi-double flowers in shades of red, pink, orange, yellow, and white.
Plant Guide
Western bleeding heart
Dicentra formosa
Don't let its delicate appearance fool you: Western bleeding heart is hardy and tenacious.
Plant Guide
Creeping zinnia
Sanvitalia procumbensVirtually covered in yellow, daisy-type flowers throughout summer, creeping zinnia makes a cheerful addition to any garden.