Attracts Hummingbirds - Page 11 of 15 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Obedient plant
Physostegia virginianaObedient plant is a clump-forming native perennial that grows aggressively.
Plant Guide
Mexican sunflower
Tithonia rotundifolia 'Torch''Torch' is a quick-growing annual that produces vivid red or orange-red dahlia-like flowers from mid-summer on.
Plant Guide
Bedding zinnia
Zinnia elegans Dreamland seriesThis annual series is comprised of dwarf, compact plants, 10 to 12 inches tall and half as wide.
Plant Guide
Weigela florida and cvs.
Weigela floridaA deciduous shrub, wiegela has gracefully arching branches studded with pink tubular flowers.
Plant Guide
Flame nasturtium
Tropaeolum speciosumThis tender perennial climber has edible, hand-shaped leaves and crimson red flowers in summer and fall which are uniquely textured.
Plant Guide
‘Miss Canada’ Preston lilac
Syringa × prestoniae ‘Miss Canada’This hardy, late-flowering hybrid bears perfumed rose-pink buds opening to pink flowers.
Plant Guide
‘Miss Kim’ lilac
Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss Kim'This strongly fragrant cultivar bears single light purple flowers in mid- to late season, and it exhibits maroon autumn foliage.
Plant Guide
‘Blue Hill’ meadow sage
Salvia × sylvestris 'Blue Hill'This drought-tolerant perennial bears abundant pure blue flower spikes in early summer and until fall if spent flowers are removed promptly.
Plant Guide
Autumn sage
Salvia greggiiThis native of Texas and Mexico has a woody base and can form a dwarf, evergreen shrub, 1 foot tall by 1 foot wide.
Plant Guide
Mealycup sage
Salvia farinacea
This perennial forms a shrubby upright clump 2 feet tall by 1 foot wide, with white mealy stems and glossy green leaves.