Attracts Hummingbirds - Page 13 of 15 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Japanese wisteria
Wisteria floribundaDramatic clusters of blue-violet to red-violet flowers with an intoxicating fragrance grace this vigorous twining climber.
Plant Guide
Dicentra scandens ‘Athens Yellow’
Dicentra scandens 'Athens Yellow'Bright yellow heart-shaped flowers bloom in April or May; bloom continues off and on throughout the season.
Plant Guide
Maiden pink
Dianthus deltoidesThis mat-forming species with dark green leaves is one of the easiest to grow.
Plant Guide
Canna ‘Erebus’
Canna 'Erebus'
Each of this plant's stunning lance-shaped leaves is the softest gray-green, edged subtly with a cream-colored pinstripe.
Plant Guide
Buddleia davidii
Buddleia davidiiThis sun-lover comes in hues from pure white to deepest purple.
Plant Guide
Sunset hyssop
Agastache rupestrisTrue to its name, sunset hyssop encapsulates a Western sunset in its flowers: bronze with hints of orange and yellow, and streaks of magenta and pink along the margins.
Plant Guide
Zinnia elegans
Zinnia elegansThis upright, 30-inch-tall, bushy annual cloaks itself all summer in purple blossoms up to 2 inches across.
Plant Guide
Salvia hians
Salvia hiansThis short-lived perennial from the Himalayas has scented, hairy leaves and forms a small shrub 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide.
Plant Guide
Andean silver-leaf sage
Salvia discolorThis tender perennial from Peru is highly unusual for its dramatic, purple-black flowers and pistachio-green calyces.
Plant Guide
‘Amber Waves’ heuchera
Heuchera 'Amber Waves’Bright lime green foliage and perky rose-colored flowers in spring make this plant a great selection.