Characteristics - Page 14 of 128 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Moonrise™ full moon maple
Acer shirasawanum 'Munn 001'This tree offers many reasons to get excited:bright red spring foliage, wonderful chartreuse summer color, a vigorous growth habit, and an increased sun tolerance.
Plant Guide
Yucca glaucaThis clumping evergreen shrub with narrow leaves produces a startling, 3- to 4-foot-tall flower stalk.
Plant Guide
Chaste tree
Vitex agnus-castusThis small tree boasts an upright, spreading form and finely dissected gray-green foliage.
Plant Guide
‘Carnaval de Nice’ tulip
Tulipa ‘Carnaval de Nice’For later-blooming flowers with ornamental foliage, try Tulipa 'Carnaval de Nice'.
Plant Guide
Tradescantia zebrina
Tradescantia zebrinaThis trailing perennial is grown for its foliage.
Plant Guide
‘Jewel of Africa’ nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus ‘Jewel of Africa’This climbing, old-fashioned cultivar grows to 8 feet tall.
Plant Guide
Propeller toad shade
Trillium stamineumThis striking spring-blooming species features narrow, chocolate-colored petals that twist like a propeller over slightly mottled leaves.
Plant Guide
Giant trillium
Trillium chloropetalumThis species blooms in early to mid-spring with large blossoms of white, yellow, or deep purple-black.
Plant Guide
‘Neon Lights’ Foam flower
Tiarella 'Neon Lights'This clump-forming variety has exquisitely textured, bright green maple-like leaves emblazoned with chocolate centers.
Plant Guide
‘Strawberries and Cream’ nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus ‘Strawberries and Cream’This old-fashioned cultivar of the species has a mounding habit and grows to 12 inches tall and wide.