Characteristics - Page 24 of 128 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Cherry Cola’ dyckia
Dyckia fosteriana 'Cherry Cola''Cherry Cola' , a relatively new cultivar, features deep, dark burgundy foliage and small but sharp teeth (handle with care!
Plant Guide
Trailing indigo bush
Dalea greggiiDespite a soft, delicate appearance, trailing indigo bush is one of the toughest groundcovers around.
Plant Guide
Western bleeding heart
Dicentra formosa
Don't let its delicate appearance fool you: Western bleeding heart is hardy and tenacious.
Plant Guide
Wright’s dropseed
Sporobolus wrightiiLargely untried in the northern states, Wright's dropseed is a great new grass that is becoming a substitute in southern gardens for unwieldy pampas grass ( Cortaderia selloana ).
Plant Guide
‘Weihenstephaner Gold’ sedum
Sedum kamtschaticum ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’This low-growing sedum has dependable, dark bronzy green foliage and prolific flowering.
Plant Guide
American elder
Sambucus canadensis
A familiar native shrub, American elderberry is commonly seen along streambanks and roadsides and in moist woodlands and thickets throughout eastern North America.
Plant Guide
Japanese umbrella pine
Sciadopitys verticillataThis glorious conifer constitutes the sole member of both its genus and plant family.
Plant Guide
‘Orange King’ coleus
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Orange King’‘Orange King’ exemplifies one of the loveliest characteristics of coleus, the ability to glow like stained glass when struck by sunlight.
Plant Guide
‘Mariposa’ coleus
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Mariposa’'Mariposa' is a big, upright, very striking coleus with 6- to 8-inch-long leaves that drape downward, allowing a clear view of their magnificent crimson-pink color.
Plant Guide
‘Swallowtail’ coleus
Plectranthus scutellarioides ‘Swallowtail’‘Swallowtail’ puts on a fantastic display of texture and color.