Characteristics - Page 43 of 128 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Castor bean
Ricinus communis 'Carmencita'
'Carmencita' castor bean is a shrub, usually grown as an annual, that grows to 6 to 10 feet and is well branched, with dark bronze-red foliage and bright red female flowers.
Plant Guide
Thai ruellia
Ruellia elegansThis species has open-faced coral-red blossoms from late spring until fall.
Plant Guide
‘F. J. Grootendorst’ Hedgehog rose
Rosa 'F. J. Grootendorst'This rose has large clusters of small, violet-red pompom blossoms with a spicy fragrance.
Plant Guide
‘Charles Albanel’ Hedgehog rose
Rosa 'Charles Albanel'This spreading rose grows to only 2 feet tall, making it an ideal groundcover for a steep bank or roadside.
Plant Guide
Hedgehog rose
Rosa rugosa var. albaThis variety has single, papery white blossoms that open from light pink buds and have contrasting yellow stamens.
Plant Guide
Creeping raspberry
Rubus pentalobusThis prostrate evergreen species produces a mass of richly textured leaves, making it an attractive groundcover for formal areas, rock gardens, or woodland beds.
Plant Guide
Fingerleaf Rodgersia
Rodgersia aesculifoliaThis species has palmate, wrinkled leaves that extend to 2 feet wide.
Plant Guide
‘Prairie Fire’ red switchgrass
Panicum virgatum ‘Prairie Fire’'Prairie Fire' is a distinctly red form of switchgrass.
Plant Guide
Penstemon digitalis ‘Husker Red’
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'
'Husker Red' is one of the few penstemons that does well in wet winters and hot, humid summers.
Plant Guide
Bitter switchgrass
Panicum amarum 'Dewey Blue'A stunning, native dune grass, 'Dewey Blue' is perfect for coastal areas as well as inland gardens.