Deer Tolerant - Page 3 of 25 - Fine Gardening

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    North American hay-scented fern

    Dennstaedtia punctilobula

    This fern's lacy foliage smells of freshly mown grass and carpets the woodland or a moist, partially sunny site.

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    ‘Golden Nugget’ Japanese barberry

    Berberis thunbergii ‘Golden Nugget’

    'Golden Nugget' is a deciduous shrub with nonburning foliage.

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    Gold-dust plant

    Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'

    The dense, glossy foliage of this evergreen plant is splattered with yellow.

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    Bugbane, Autumn snakeroot, black cohosh

    Actaea simplex ‘Hillside Black Beauty’

    Unlike other bugbanes, 'Hillside Black Beauty' offers deep purple-black foliage.

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    ‘Rogers’ bottlebrush buckeye

    Aesculus parviflora var. serotina 'Rogers'

    This is a suckering, deciduous shrub grown for it's white, bottlebrush-like flowers in early summer.

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    Japanese onion

    Allium thunbergii

    This is the last of the ornamental onions to flower, when mop-like heads of rose-purple flowers appear with orange anthers.

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    Nodding onion

    Allium cernuum

    This plant produces open clusters of pinkish purple, droplet-shaped flowers along drooping, arching 2-foot-tall stems.

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    Italian arum

    Arum italicum


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    ‘Brilliantissima’ red chokeberry

    Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'

    This is an erect shrub with lustrous dark green leaves that turn scarlet in autumn.

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    Arkansas bluestar

    Amsonia hubrichtii

    Arkansas bluestar's delicate, willow-like foliage is topped with pale blue star-shaped flowers in spring.