Drought Tolerant - Page 12 of 29 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Wargrave Pink’ geranium
Geranium × oxonianum ‘Wargrave Pink’'Wargrave Pink' is a vigorous perennial suitable for groundcover.
Plant Guide
Knotted geranium
Geranium nodosumThis attractive groundcover blooms all summer and is tolerant of diverse habitats.
Plant Guide
Maidenhair tree
Ginkgo bilobaOne of the oldest tree species on the planet, ginkgo grows only about a foot a year, reaching 50 to 80 feet.
Plant Guide
New Mexico privet
Forestiera neomexicanaThis perennial shrub or small tree has an upright form that reaches heights of up to 10 feet.
Plant Guide
Red epimedium, red barrenwort, bishop’s hat
Epimedium × rubrum
Early in the season, the thin, heart-shaped leaves of this plant have a red tinge, which turns to bronze in fall.
Plant Guide
‘Fragrant Angel’ purple coneflower
Echinacea purpurea 'Fragrant Angel'Coneflowers have much to offer the garden, and now they have fragrance, too.
Plant Guide
Bluestem joint fir
Ephedra equisetinaA member of the conifer clan, Ephedra equisetina is commonly called bluestem joint fir due to its finely textured blue stems.
Plant Guide
Big Sky Sundown™ coneflower
Echinacea ‘Evan Saul’This is one of the exceptional Big Sky™ series ( E.
Plant Guide
Erigeron karvinskianus'Profusion' fleabane is a carpeting, rhizomatous, woody-based perennial with lax, branching stems and abundant yellow-centered white flowers in summer.
Plant Guide
Narrow-leaved coneflower
Echinacea angustifoliaThis native meadow perennial has daisy-like blossoms in early summer.