Drought Tolerant - Page 19 of 29 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Variegated silverberry
Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata'This evergreen shrub can light up the dark corners of a garden.
Plant Guide
Cerastium tomentosumSnow-in-summer is great for rock gardens and dry areas, and also works well as a container plant.
Plant Guide
Apache plume
Fallugia paradoxa
A member of the rose family (Rosaceae), Apache plume has single, white, rose-like flowers in a fine-textured shrub up to 5 feet tall and 8 feet wide.
Plant Guide
‘Little Red’ oleander
Nerium oleander ‘Little Red’'Little Red' is a dwarf selection of oleander, which is a large evergreen shrub.
Plant Guide
Toyon, Christmas berry, California holly
Heteromeles arbutifoliaThis evergreen, California-native shrub grows to 20 feet tall and wide and produces abundant clusters of tiny white flowers in early summer, which attract beneficial insects that help control pests.
Plant Guide
Blazing star, gayfeather
Liatrus spicataThis hardy herbaceous perennial has grass-like, strappy leaves and 3- to 5-foot-tall spikes of purple-pink flowers in late summer and early fall.
Plant Guide
Fouquieria splendensThis southwestern native shrub grows to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide and sports long, dull, spiny stems that green up and leaf out after a rain, followed by…
Plant Guide
Crescendo™ Primrose African daisy
Osteospermum Crescendo™ PrimroseThis African daisy blooms nonstop from early June through October, even in extreme heat.
Plant Guide
Sulfur flower
Eriogonum umbellatum
Wild buckwheats have assumed star roles in drought-tolerant landscapes throughout the West, and none is more useful than sulfur flower.