Drought Tolerant - Page 22 of 29 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Prairie zinnia
Zinnia grandifloraThis native perennial wildflower of the American Southwest bears a profusion of bright yellow to golden yellow flowers atop 4-inch high plants that spread to 15 inches wide.
Plant Guide
Bedding zinnia
Zinnia elegans Dreamland seriesThis annual series is comprised of dwarf, compact plants, 10 to 12 inches tall and half as wide.
Plant Guide
Mound lily
Yucca gloriosaThis sculptural plant bears sword-like leaves to 24 inches long in shades of blue- or gray-green and maturing to dark green, with smooth margins.
Plant Guide
‘Terracotta’ yarrow
Achillea millefolium 'Terracotta'Flat-topped corymbs of small, daisy-like flowers in colors of salmon-peach to yellow-orange are borne simultaneously on one plant up to 2 feet tall and wide.
Plant Guide
‘Imagination’ verbena
Verbena speciosa ‘Imagination’This outstanding hybrid blooms from spring until frost and has beautifully dissected foliage.
Plant Guide
Rose vervain
Verbena canadensis ‘Apple Blossom’This low-growing perennial produces long-lasting light pink blossoms with dark pink centers.
Plant Guide
Dahlberg daisy
Thymophylla tenuilobaThis fragrant annual is covered with delicate, daisy-like yellow blossoms in July and August.
Plant Guide
Wall germander
Teucrium chamaedrysThis evergreen or deciduous subshrub is grown for its attractive, dark green aromatic foliage and its light pink to deep purple flowers, which blossom in summer and early fall.
Plant Guide
Amethyst coralberry
Symphoricarpos × doorenbosii 'Kordes'This hybrid produces vivid deep purple-pink fruit from late summer on.
Plant Guide
Blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium graminoidesThis clump forming, semi-evergreen, grass-like perennial blooms in summer, with a long succession of yellow-centered blue flowers.