Early Spring - Page 6 of 12 - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide


    Rhododendron 'Admiral Semmes'

    This native azalea, winner of the 2007 Georgia Gold medal award,  will thrive in heat and humidity, which is why it is a good choice for the South.

  • Plant Guide

    American mandrake

    Podophyllum peltatum

    Mayapple is a rhizomatous, native woodland perennial with leaves in the shape of an umbrella.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Clouds of Perfume’ Blue phlox

    Phlox divaricata 'Clouds of Perfume'

    This is a very fragrant native woodland phlox with powder-blue flowers in spring.

  • Plant Guide

    Persian parrotia tree

    Parrotia persica

    Parrotia persica has one of the most beautiful foliage displays, in addition to year-round eye appeal and ease of maintenance.

  • Plant Guide

    Jonquilla Daffodil

    Narcissus 'Dickcissel'

    This miniature daffodil opens in very late spring.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Fantasy Creation’ Grape hyacinth

    Muscari armeniacum 'Fantasy Creation'

    These double-flowered grape hyacinths are a good candidate for beds and borders because they increase only by division.

  • Plant Guide

    Grape Hyacinth

    Muscari armeniacum

    Grape hyacinths are hardy, easy to grow, and have long-lasting blooms--no garden should be without them.

  • Plant Guide


    Lindera benzoin

    This dioecious shrub has much to offer the garden.

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    Ever Red® fringe flower

    Loropetalum chinense 'Chang Nian Hong'

    This new, compact loropetalum has the reddest blooms of all cultivars.

  • Lily of the Valley
    Plant Guide

    Lily of the Valley, May bells

    Convallaria majalis

    Lily of the valley's bell-shaped, sweetly scented flowers bloom in early spring.