Early Summer - Page 11 of 45 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Chenault coralberry
Symphoricarpos × chenaultii ‘Hancock’Chenault coralberry is an undemanding workhorse.
Plant Guide
Canary Island sage
Salvia canariensisThis short-lived, tender perennial shrub native to the Canary Islands off the African coast sends up 6-foot white-furred stems cloaked with long, felted, arrow-shaped leaves and topped, summer to frost,…
Plant Guide
‘Berggarten’ sage
Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’Cooks and gardeners alike are indebted to this evergreen perennial for the unique, pungent flavor and aroma that its gray-green leaves produce.
Plant Guide
Vivid Indigo Sage
Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'This drought-tolerant perennial is noted for its vivid indigo flowers along deep purple-black stems, which gives it a bicolor appearance.
Plant Guide
Painted tongues
Salpiglossis sinuata and cvs.Long, narrow leaves grow in rosettes near the ground.
Plant Guide
Rose acacia, Bristly locust
Robinia hispidaThis showy flowering shrub grows to 8 feet tall and wide and features dark green, compound pinnate leaves on bristly stems and pendant clusters of fragrant, pea-like, rose-pink flowers that are…
Plant Guide
Knock Out® rose
Rosa 'Radrazz'
Vibrant blossoms appear in spring and continue until frost.
Plant Guide
‘Purple Pavement’ rugosa rose
Rosa rugosa ‘Purple Pavement’'Purple Pavement' has large, ruffled blossoms with a purple-red color and strong fragrance.
Plant Guide
Rosa rugosa ‘Henry Hudson’
Rosa rugosa 'Henry Hudson''Henry Hudson' has flattened, symmetrical, semi-double, white flowers with a spicy clove scent.
Plant Guide
Tiger Eyes sumac
Rhus typhina ‘Bailtiger’Lemon-lime foliage, fuzzy stems, and intense fall color make this sumac cultivar a standout.