Early Summer - Page 17 of 45 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Armani’ daylily
Hemerocallis ‘Armani’Daylilies are classic, extremely popular garden plants.
Plant Guide
‘June Bride’ coral bells
Heuchera x brizoides 'June Bride'This hybrid heuchera has lobed, dark-green leaves and big panicles of large white flowers in late spring and early summer.
Plant Guide
‘Chiqui’ heuchera
Heuchera 'Chiqui'Unlike many heucheras that are grown for their foliage, this heuchera is grown for its tall, large salmon-oink blooms on stems that rise 18 inches above the foliage in spring.
Plant Guide
‘Amethyst Mist’ heuchera
Heuchera 'Amethyst Myst'This heuchera has burgundy leaves splashed with silver and grows up to 16 inches tall and 18 inches wide.
Plant Guide
‘Blue Shadows’ hosta
Hosta ‘Blue Shadows’'Blue Shadows' is a medium-sized plant with coarse, deep blue, variegated leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Happy Returns’ daylily
Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’This pale-yellow-flowered daylily distinguishes itself with its profuse bloom and compact size (only 16 inches tall), making it good for containers and the borders.
Plant Guide
‘Palace Purple’ heuchera
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia ‘Palace Purple’Clump-forming perennial features a mound of maple or ivy-like, long-petioled leaves (3 to 5 inches wide) that are an attractive deep purple above and beet red beneath.
Plant Guide
Heliotropium arborescens cvs.Heliotrope has a compact form with broadly oval to lance-shaped, wrinkled leaves tinged with purple.
Plant Guide
Gaultheria shallonThis compact, bushy shrub has red shoots and ovate, pointed, glossy dark green leaves.
Plant Guide
Fuchsia Shadow Dancer™ Ginger
Fuchsia Shadow Dancer™ GingerA bushy, compact fuchsia, Shadow Dancer™ Ginger has pale pink and white flowers that dangle gracefully out of pots, baskets, or window boxes.