Early Summer - Page 24 of 45 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Common garden peony
Paeonia lactiflora
This stunning herbaceous woodland peony has upright red-mottled stems and dark green leaves that are elliptic or lance-shaped with rough margins.
Plant Guide
Polemonium caeruleum
Polemonium caeruleumThis North American native bears deep blue or occasionally white, bell-shaped blossoms in spring and possibly late summer if deadheaded.
Plant Guide
Love plant
Oxalis triangularisLove plant, also known as purple shamrock has pretty foliage and dainty flowers that make it a good choice for containers, borders, or indoors.
Plant Guide
Black mondo grass
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens'Black mondo grass has straplike, shiny black foliage and grows in little tufts.
Plant Guide
‘Walker’s Low’ catmint
Nepeta × faassenii 'Walker's Low'This mound of lavender-blue flowers and aromatic, grayish green leaves up to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide is great as edging or in a border, herb, or rock garden.
Plant Guide
Snowy woodrush
Luzula niveaThis spreading evergreen perennial has clumps of grass-like deep green basal leaves.
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Darcey Bussell rose
Rosa 'Darcey Bussell'This rose, with its short, bushy growth, is an excellent shrub for the front of the border or for planting in formal rose beds.
Plant Guide
Heaven Scent® gardenia
Gardenia augusta ‘MADGA 1’This gardenia cultivar features a very tight, upright form that is perfect for smaller gardens.
Plant Guide
Threadleaf coreopsis
Coreopsis hybrid 'Route 66''Route 66' features big, bold, bicolor blooms.
Plant Guide
Flower Carpet® Amber ground-cover rose
Rosa × ‘NOA97400A’Each bush is covered in a mass explosion of amber blooms.