Early Summer - Page 30 of 45 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Purple sheep’s burr
Acaena inermis 'Purpurea'This New Zealand native subshrub has 3-inch-wide scalloped leaves and little purple-brown to pale olive leaflets.
Plant Guide
Black Beauty™ elderberry
Sambucus nigra 'Gerda'Valued for its flowers, foliage, and fruit, Black Beauty™ elderberry is a deciduous shrub that requires regular watering during its first few yearsbut will become more drought tolerant as it…
Plant Guide
‘Black Scallop’ bugleweed
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop'Black foliage and spiky blue flowers (which appear in early summer) make a dramatic contrast.
Plant Guide
Diabolo® ninebark
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Monlo’With its upright, arching branches and dark chocolate to purple foliage, Diabolo® ninebark offers a color contrast with silver-leaved plants and makes a fine backdrop hedge.
Plant Guide
‘Little Trudy’ catmint
Nepeta Little Trudy™This new compact catmint, with the cultivar name 'Psfike', only reaches 8 to 10 inches tall and 12 to 16 inches wide, the perfect size for containers, bed edges, or…
Plant Guide
Baptisia × variicolor Twilite Prairieblues™
Baptisia × variicolor Twilite Prairieblues™This amazing baptisia is a cross between B.
Plant Guide
Sapphire jewelweed
Impatiens namchabarwensisSapphire jewelweed's serrated leaves are the color of polished jade, while the flowers are a remarkable sapphire blue.
Plant Guide
‘Pink Caprice’ lantana
Lantana camara 'Pink Caprice'
The pale pink and yellow flowers of this evergreen perennial attract butterflies from late spring to frost.
Plant Guide
‘Grace’ smoke tree
Cotinus ‘Grace’This cross of the European smoke bush (C. coggygria) and the American smoke tree (C. obovatus) is a gem in the garden.
Plant Guide
Boer love grass
Eragrostis chloromelasFrom late spring until fall, Boer love grass puts on a glorious display as inflorescences that emerge silver and dry to gold dance up to 2 feet above the fine-textured clump of…