Early Summer - Page 31 of 45 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Henry’s Garnet’ Virginia sweetspire
Itea virginica ‘Henry's Garnet’'Henry's Garnet' Virginia sweetspire is a very dependable, showy plant.
Plant Guide
‘Lime Green’ flowering tobacco
Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green'The yellow-green trumpet-shaped flowers of 'Lime Green' flowering tobacco mix well with many other colors in the garden.
Plant Guide
Papaver orientale ‘Flamenco Dancer’The 4- to 6-inch-wide blooms of 'Flamenco Dancer' poppy stand out in late spring and early summer with their true red color and fanciful fringes.
Plant Guide
‘Orange Peel’ cestrum
Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’A wonderful hybrid derived from Cestrum diurnum and C.
Plant Guide
‘Bevan’s Variety’ bigroot geranium
Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevan’s Variety’Thick rhizomes and stout, sprawling stems guarantee this hardy geranium survivor status.
Plant Guide
Devil’s walking stick
Aralia spinosaThe textural quality of this eastern native's stems and foliage is superb.
Plant Guide
‘Georgia Blue’ speedwell
Veronica umbrosa 'Georgia Blue'This tough, versatile plant requires little maintenance.
Plant Guide
‘Nugget’ hops
Humulus lupulus 'Nugget'This vigorous vine quickly reaches 20 feet tall and thrives on neglect.
Plant Guide
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow'
This ninebark's new leaves unfurl a golden yellow and then mature to a rosy red-burgundy.
Plant Guide
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Violet Intrigue’
Lavandula angustifolia 'Violet Intrigue'
'Violet Intrigue' exhibits the typical handsome gray foliage of good lavenders, but its form and flowers are particularly noteworthy.