Early Summer - Page 32 of 45 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Indian Summer’ black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Indian Summer’‘Indian Summer’ is a standout among a sea of black-eyed Susans because of its extra-large, golden yellow flower heads.
Plant Guide
‘John Proffit’ ice plant
Delosperma 'John Proffit'Covering itself with glowing fuchsia daisy-like flowers with many narrow petals, 'John Proffit' makes a beautiful groundcover or container plant.
Plant Guide
‘Variegata’ iris
Iris pallida ‘Variegata’An iris with foliage as showy as its flowers, 'Variegata' has bright green leaves striped with yellow and beautiful soft blue flowers with yellow beards.
Plant Guide
Blackfoot daisy
Melampodium leucanthumA native perennial shrub that grows to about 2 feet tall and wide and covers itself the whole season with honey-scented, white and yellow daisy flowers.
Plant Guide
Iris brevicaulis
Iris brevicaulisThis pretty little blue-violet iris with yellow and white falls is native to the central U.
Plant Guide
Cape fuchsia
Phygelius × rectus 'Devil's Tears'This evergreen shrub is often grown as a tender perennial where not hardy.
Plant Guide
‘Rocky Top’ Tennessee coneflower
Echinacea tennesseensis 'Rocky Top'The 'Rocky Top' hybrid offers the garden an abundance of pastel pink coneflowers with greenish-black cones on plants 2 to 3 feet tall and 1 foot wide.
Plant Guide
Mexican petunia
Ruellia brittoniana ‘Purple Showers’This 3-foot-tall evergreen shrub bears many tubular, blue or purple, petunia-like flowers on dark stems over a long period.
Plant Guide
Blue porter weed
Stachytarpheta urticifoliaThis pest-free perennial blooms best during warm months.