Fall - Page 17 of 36 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Cape leadwort
Plumbago auriculataThis evergreen shrub, native to South Africa, has long, skinny stems and phlox-like pale blue flowers.
Plant Guide
Kalwerbossie geranium
Pelargonium sidoidesThis exemplary species has felted, gray, crinkled leaves.
Plant Guide
Penstemon clutei
Penstemon cluteiThis upright perennial sports hanging, tubular bright-pink flowers to 1 inch across above serrated blue-green leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Dropmore’ catmint
Nepeta × faassenii ‘Dropmore’This cultivar is a clump-forming perennial with toothed gray-green leaves and larger flowers than the hybrid.
Plant Guide
Tall purple moor grass
Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea 'Sky Racer''Skyracer' grows to about 3 feet wide and 2 to 3 feet wide, and in late summer to early fall, sends up delicate panicles to a height of 6 or 7 feet.
Plant Guide
Red spider lily
Lycoris radiata
Red spider lily’s brilliant red flowers remind me of an azalea’s ball truss.
Plant Guide
Crape myrtle
Lagerstroemia indicaCrape myrtle is an upright deciduous tree or large shrub.
Plant Guide
Formosa lily
Lilium formosanumFrom late August through early October, this lily bears eight or more 10-inch-long, deliciously scented, pristine-white trumpets (sometimes blushed pink on the outside) upon each stem.
Plant Guide
Surfinia™ Trailing Deep Red Petunia
Petunia 'Surfinia Trailing Deep Red'Surfinia petunias have revolutionized gardening with their outstanding performance. profusely from spring through fall. minimizing the need to deadhead. and disease resistance – withstanding heat, cold, wind and rain. petunias…
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Mini Penny Hydrangea, The Royal Majestics® Series
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' PP#15,744Beautiful reblooming mophead hydrangea with pink or blue flowers, depending on the soil pH.