Fall - Page 7 of 36 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Mesa Verde® Ice Plant
Delosperma ‘Kelaidis’Mesa Verde® is a moderately-spreading ground cover with small, bright salmon pink flowers that bloom from midspring till late fall.
Plant Guide
Blue-stemmed goldenrod
Solidago caesiaIn early autumn, this species produces elegant, wand-shaped flowerheads atop wiry stems with blue-green, linear leaves.
Plant Guide
Meadow clary
Salvia pratensisThis woody-stemmed perennial produces sticky spikes of deep violet or, rarely, white to pink flowers.
Plant Guide
Colorful Flowering Sage
Salvia nemorosaThis drought-tolerant perennial produces flower spikes in shades of violet, purple, or white to pink, with purple bracts.
Plant Guide
Texas sage
Salvia coccineaThis upright tender perennial provides rich color for annual bedding schemes where it is not hardy.
Plant Guide
Canary Island sage
Salvia canariensisThis short-lived, tender perennial shrub native to the Canary Islands off the African coast sends up 6-foot white-furred stems cloaked with long, felted, arrow-shaped leaves and topped, summer to frost,…
Plant Guide
Starry Stonecrop
Sedum telephium 'Matrona'This choice cultivar boasts domed clusters of starry, pale-pink flowers with dark-tipped stamens.
Plant Guide
Bog sage
Salvia uliginosaThis moisture-loving perennial produces clear blue flowers with white highlights in late summer to mid-autumn.
Plant Guide
‘Flamenco’ rose
Rosa 'Flamenco'Mass plantings of a single variety of rose look great, but you need to select one that is easy to care for. exceptionally disease resistant and the flowers fall off…
Plant Guide
Knock Out® rose
Rosa 'Radrazz'
Vibrant blossoms appear in spring and continue until frost.