Foliage Color - Page 23 of 38 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Escargot’ begonia
Begonia ‘Escargot’'Escargot' takes its name from the snail-like curl pattern at the base of the leaf.
Plant Guide
Begonia ‘Cowardly Lion’
Begonia 'Cowardly Lion'Unlike many other shade garden plants with their cool blue colors, 'Cowardly Lion' rex begonia offers rich warm tones.
Plant Guide
Snow bush
Breynia disticha ‘Roseo-picta’The white- and pink-mottled leaves of 'Roseo-picta' make it appear as if the plant has been snowed upon, even though it is a tropical plant.
Plant Guide
Japanese barberry
Berberis thunbergiiGrown for its neat habit, yellow flowers, and red fruit, this shrub spreads prolifically by seed and is considered invasive in some areas, including the Northeast.
Plant Guide
Yellow Form alternanthera
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Yellow Form''Yellow Form' Alternanthera is an easy-to-grow, tropical plant with a fast-spreading habit and pointed, chartreuse-yellow leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Purple Knight’ calico plant
Alternanthera dentata ‘Purple Knight’This dark-leaved, tropical foliage plant loves heat, and is useful spreading through a bed, border, or in a container where its deep purple leaves can contrast with brightly colored flowers…
Plant Guide
Actaea simplex 'Brunette'This chocolate-leaved cultivar up to 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide bears compact spikes of white flowers in late summer.
Plant Guide
Northern pussy toes
Antennaria neodioicaThis deciduous, mat-forming perennial produces everlasting flowers.
Plant Guide
‘Maradco’ beautybush
Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Maradco'Anyone who has grown beautybush knows that it puts on a spectacular pink flower display in late spring and then it goes incognito the rest of the year.
Plant Guide
‘Holger’ singleseed juniper
Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’'Holger' is a prostrate shrub with a semi-spreading form and narrow pointed leaves.