Foliage Color - Page 24 of 38 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Japanese blood grass
Imperata cylindrica and cvs.This small ornamental grass is grown for its smooth, red-flushed leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Sweet Tea’ heucherella
x Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'Anyone who gardens in the shade is familiar with heucherella.
Plant Guide
‘HGC Pink Frost’ hellebore
Helleborus × ballardiae ‘HGC Pink Frost’‘HGC Pink Frost’ is part of a new series of hellebores that, for the Midwest, bloom as early as January; this cultivar blooms a bit later, usually in March.
Plant Guide
‘Bronze Wave’ heuchera
Heuchera villosa 'Bronze Wave''Bronze Wave', bred from the native Heuchera villosa , is, like its parent, renowned for its vigor and resistance to heat and humidity.
Plant Guide
‘Brigadoon’ Aaron’s beard
Hypericum calycinum ‘Brigadoon’'Brigadoon' is an Aaron's beard (aka St. John's wort) with brilliant chartreuse-yellow foliage that looks great next to dark-foliaged plants.
Plant Guide
‘Snow Queen’ oakleaf hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’This cultivar produces 8-inch-long, conical flower heads from early summer on.
Plant Guide
‘Palace Purple’ heuchera
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia ‘Palace Purple’Clump-forming perennial features a mound of maple or ivy-like, long-petioled leaves (3 to 5 inches wide) that are an attractive deep purple above and beet red beneath.
Plant Guide
Bright gold hosta
Hosta ‘Aspen Gold’Perfectly round, puckered, bright-gold leaves have a pattern resembling seersucker fabric.
Plant Guide
Red epimedium, red barrenwort, bishop’s hat
Epimedium × rubrum
Early in the season, the thin, heart-shaped leaves of this plant have a red tinge, which turns to bronze in fall.
Plant Guide
‘Oakhurst’ pineapple lily
Eucomis comosa 'Oakhurst'This bulbous perennial has striking reddish purple, strap-like leaves and foot-long purple flowers that resemble pineapples in late summer.