Frost Tolerant - Page 10 of 17 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘Rocky Top’ Tennessee coneflower
Echinacea tennesseensis 'Rocky Top'The 'Rocky Top' hybrid offers the garden an abundance of pastel pink coneflowers with greenish-black cones on plants 2 to 3 feet tall and 1 foot wide.
Plant Guide
Browallia americana
Browallia americanaThis plant produces distinct, 2-inch blossoms primarily in rich blue (but also in shades of purple and white), with dark eyes smudged white.
Plant Guide
‘Marginata’ winter daphne
Daphne odora ‘Marginata’This winter daphne has yellow-margined leaves and rosy pink flower buds that open to white.
Plant Guide
Millon bells
Calibrachoa 'Superbells Tequila Sunrise'Calibrachoa is a relatively new genus of flowering plants.
Plant Guide
‘Black Knight’ butterfly bush
Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight’Butterfly bushes are carefree deciduous shrubs that are reliably fragrant and easy to grow.
Plant Guide
Swiss chard
Beta vulgaris 'Ruby Red'This is a sweet Swiss chard with beautiful candy-apple-red stalks and dark green, crinkly leaves with touches of red.
Plant Guide
Blue beargrass tree
Nolina nelsoniiThis yucca-like Mexican plant has bold bluish leaves to 3 feet long that have tiny serrations on the edges.
Plant Guide
‘Serola’ daffodil
Narcissus ‘Serola’Brightly colored, large-cupped, and reliable, Narcissus 'Serola' has vivid orange and yellow flowers that make it the perfect choice for roadside plantings, for gardens viewed from a distance, and for…
Plant Guide
Ornamental cabbage
Brassica oleraceaRosettes of cabbage foliage are grown as annuals for fall and winter interest.
Plant Guide
‘Israel’ paperwhite narcissus
Narcissus ‘Israel’This tender paperwhite is well-suited to forcing, blooming 3 to 5 weeks after planting.