Frost Tolerant - Page 6 of 17 - Fine Gardening

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    ‘Jordan’ full moon maple

    Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'

    Leaves emerge a lovely pastel orange, changing to stunning bright yellow through the summer with red seeds that push up above the leaves.

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    Blue woolly speedwell

    Veronica pectinata

    This dense, mat-forming species has 3-inch-tall evergreen foliage with toothed gray leaves.

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    Purple mullein

    Verbascum phoeniceum

    This biennial or short-lived perennial species is one of the earliest mulleins to bloom.

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    ‘Charmeur’ tulip

    Tulipa ‘Charmeur’

    Tulipa ‘Charmeur’ features leaves with curled yellow edges and 18-inch-tall white-rimmed dark rosy blooms.

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    ‘New Design’ tulip

    Tulipa ‘New Design’

    Tulipa ‘New Design’ (1974) has pink-bordered leaves and silvery pink, 14- to 20-inch-tall blooms flushed yellow with pale fuchsia tips.

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    Canada hemlock

    Tsuga canadensis

    This North American native grows to 70 feet tall, with a broadly pyramidal outline.

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    ‘Pink Chintz’ thyme

    Thymus serpyllum ‘Pink Chintz’

    One of the first thymes to flower each year, this charming and reliable cultivar bursts into bloom in early spring with unique salmon-pink flowers.

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    ‘Goldrush’ goldenrod

    Solidago cutleri 'Goldrush'

    'Goldrush' heralds the coming of fall with masses of tiny, yellow flowers for four weeks in August and September.

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    Little bluestem

    Schizachyrium scoparium

    Little bluestem is a tidy, finely textured clumping grass with a blue-green summer color.

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    Stiff goldenrod

    Solidago rigida

    This lovely goldenrod has velvety leaves that are gray-green in summer and dusky rose in autumn.