Frost Tolerant - Page 9 of 17 - Fine Gardening

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    ‘Silverstream’ tulip

    Tulipa ‘Silverstream’

    Reaching 20 to 24 inches tall, Tulipa 'Silverstream' has chartreuse and yellow flowers suffused with red-and-rose markings that create a watercolor effect.

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    ‘Garant’ tulip

    Tulipa ‘Garant’

    Tulipa 'Garant' has striking yellow-framed leaves that are even more prominent when its 16- to 18-inch-tall sunny yellow flowers appear in midspring.

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    ‘Calypso’ tulip

    Tulipa greigii ‘Calypso’

    The 12-inch-tall Tulipa 'Calypso' (1992) is known for being reliably perennial.

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    Hoop-petticoat daffodil

    Narcissus bulbocodium var. conspicuus

    The species daffodil N.

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    ‘Tahiti’ daffodil

    Narcissus ‘Tahiti’

    Although some people don’t consider double or peonylike daffodils classics, many double hybrids have been in existence for a long time.

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    ‘Jack Snipe’ daffodil

    Narcissus ‘Jack Snipe’

    Generally speaking, daffodils perform best in full sun and well-drained soil, in areas where there is a fair amount of rainfall in the fall and spring and where the summer…

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Burgundy Lace’ Japanese painted fern

    Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Burgundy Lace'

    'Burgundy Lace' is a real showstopper in shady borders and containers, with its silvery purple-bronze fronds.

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    Australian fuchsia

    Correa 'Dusky Bells'

    This spreading ground cover flowers from fall into spring.

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    ‘Charity’ mahonia

    Mahonia × media 'Charity'

    Few shrubs offer flowers as late as this one, which starts blooming in late October or early November.

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    Western sword fern

    Polystichum munitum

    Western sword ferns abound in the forests of the Northwestern U.