Green - Page 2 of 12 - Fine Gardening
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Cream false indigo
Baptisia bracteataTreasured for its gorgeous clusters of lush cream flowers, the low growing and compact legume of Baptisia bracteata create a stunning effect.
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Asclepias tuberosaTrue to its name Butterflyweed attracts legions of butterflies and is an important host plant for the caterpillars of Monarch, Grey Hairstreak, and Queen butterflies.Information provided by Praire Nursery
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Sullivant’s milkweed
Asclepias sullivantiiSullivant's milkweed is a long-lived perennial and a well-behaved relative of the common milkweed.
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Red milkweed
Asclepias incarnataA member of the Asclepias (milkweed) genus, Red milkweed is a host plant for the caterpillar stage of the Monarch butterfly.
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Crimson Kisses weigela
Weigela 'Slingco 1'A new, more compact reblooming weigela with a tidy, rounded shape covered with bright, lipstick-red flowers kissed with a white eye.
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Blue Enchantress® hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Monmar’This is a superb rebloomer for summer-long color. Large, blue mopheads age to a vintage cream-splashed green color. Blooms will turn pink with less acidity.
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Baby Pete agapanthus
Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis ‘Benfran’Masses of blue flowers just above clusters of short, wide evergreen foliage. Rarely sets seedpods, resulting in a longer bloom period.
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‘Persian Market’ daylily
Hemerocallis ‘Persian Market’Gorgeous deep rose pink blooms with a deeper rose halo. An All American Daylily Selection that makes a gorgeous show in summer.
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‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty'Lustrous, leathery foliage is rich, dark green above and cinnamon brown underneath. Large, 5 to 6 inch creamy white flowers are exotically fragrant.
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‘Toki’ clematis
Clematis x ‘Toki’Large, pure white flowers with complementary delicate yellow stamens are among the earliest Clematis blooms to appear.