Interesting Bark - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    Flowering dogwood

    Cornus florida

    This native flowering tree is best known for its early spring blossoms, which are actually yellowish green flowers clustered in the center of four showy, white to pink bracts 1-1/2…

  • Plant Guide

    Diabolo® ninebark

    Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Monlo’

    With its upright, arching branches and dark chocolate to purple foliage, Diabolo® ninebark offers a color contrast with silver-leaved plants and makes a fine backdrop hedge.

  • Plant Guide

    Snow Lace® gray dogwood

    Cornus racemosa 'Emerald'

    This native shrub dogwood is more compact than the species with semiglossy, emerald green foliage and showy, white fruit.

  • Plant Guide

    Highbush blueberry

    Vaccinium corymbosum

    Highbush blueberry provides four seasons of fanfare, starting with twisted, peeling stems in winter; profuse white or pink blossoms in spring; savory blue fruit in summer; and long-lasting foliage the…

  • Plant Guide


    Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow'

    This ninebark's new leaves unfurl a golden yellow and then mature to a rosy red-burgundy.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Aurea’ hinoki cypress

    Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Aurea’

    Hinoki cypress is a conical, evergreen, coniferous tree with leaves that are actually minute scales on tiny branches in the form of fans.

  • Plant Guide

    Golden larch

    Pseudolarix kaempferi

    The golden larch is a lovely deciduous conifer whose lacy foliage turns golden in autumn.

  • Plant Guide

    Montgomery palm

    Veitchia montgomeryana

    This tropical palm grows to 35 feet tall and has stiff, feathery-textured fronds.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Dorothy Wyckoff’ andromeda

    Pieris japonica ‘Dorothy Wyckoff’

    This compact, rounded shrub produces reddish-purple buds that first open as soft pink then mature to white.

  • Plant Guide

    Lily-of-the-valley bush

    Pieris japonica

    This neat, rounded shrub has given rise to many noteworthy cultivars.