Late Spring - Page 14 of 31 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Flower Carpet® Pink Supreme
Rosa × ‘NOA168098F’Each bush is covered in a mass explosion of vivid pink blooms all summer long.
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Easy Does It™ rose
Rosa 'HARpageant' 'Easy Does It'™This Floribunda rose was the 2010 All-America Rose Selections winner.
Plant Guide
White calla lily
Zantedeschia aethiopicaThe most familiar calla, this 3-foot-tall and 2-foot-wide plant has large white flowers—up to 10 inches long—that surround a creamy yellow fingerlike centerpiece.
Plant Guide
Chinese wisteria
Wisteria sinensisDramatic flowers with an intoxicating fragrance cover this vigorous twining climber.
Plant Guide
Common periwinkle, creeping myrtle
Vinca minor 'Illumination'Like other creeping myrtles, 'Illumination' is a tough evergreen ground cover for shade that will grow in almost any soil.
Plant Guide
Viola ‘Etain’
Viola ‘Etain’A hardworking, compact perennial, ‘Etain’ violet forms well-behaved clumps and blooms from time to time from spring through fall.
Plant Guide
Blue woolly speedwell
Veronica pectinataThis dense, mat-forming species has 3-inch-tall evergreen foliage with toothed gray leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Spring Symphony’ Foam flower
Tiarella 'Spring Symphony'This reblooming, clump-forming variety blooms in spring, producing 15-inch spires densely packed with pink blossoms.
Plant Guide
Red trillium
Trillium erectumThis trillium has upright or outward-facing blossoms of chocolate or reddish-purple, or occasionally white or yellow.
Plant Guide
Meadow rue
Thalictrum isopyroidesThis species has exquisite tiny foliage that looks somewhat like parsley but with a steely blue cast.