Late Spring - Page 15 of 31 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Yugoslavian cutleaf sage
Salvia jurisiciiThis sage is eye-catching in and out of bloom, with its attractive basal rosette of feathery foliage and showy display of dense flower spikes.
Plant Guide
Desert mallow
Sphaeralcea ambiguaThis shrubby, woolly perennial is native to the warmest, dry regions of the US and Mexico.
Plant Guide
Hidcote comfrey
Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue'This prolific cultivar has dark green foliage and bears nodding blue flowers from mauve buds.
Plant Guide
Solomon’s plume
Smilacina racemosaThis shade-loving perennial produces plumes of creamy white blossoms in spring, followed by mottled yellowish-green berries that turn to deep red.
Plant Guide
Compact stonecrop
Sedum kamtschaticum ‘Variegatum’This variety is more compact than the species, and its leaves are variegated with creamy margins.
Plant Guide
Mexican sage
Salvia darcyiFrom late spring to fall, this easy-going perennial bears deep orange-red flowers on 3- to 4-foot-tall spikes that rise above a loose, 6-foot-wide mound of heart-shaped, sticky leaves.
Plant Guide
Aztec lily
Sprekelia formosissimaThis bulbous perennial has clumps of strap-shaped, mid-green leaves.
Plant Guide
‘Dart’s Dash’ rugosa rose
Rosa rugosa 'Dart's Dash'Though not very well known, 'Dart's Dash' is one of the best of the crimson double rugosa roses.
Plant Guide
‘Linda Campbell’ rugosa rose
Rosa rugosa 'Linda Campbell''Linda Campbell' is an unscented, true red rugosa rose.
Plant Guide
‘Foxi’ rugosa rose
Rosa rugosa 'Foxi'Large, open, semi-double pink flowers with yellow stamens and an intoxicating scent make 'Foxi' an outstanding rugosa rose.