Late Spring - Page 25 of 31 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
‘The Fairy’ polyantha rose
Rosa ‘The Fairy’This well-loved rose blooms nonstop from June until frost, with double, rosette-shaped blossoms of light pink.
Plant Guide
‘Little Darling’ Floribunda rose
Rosa 'Little Darling'This fragrant rose produces single salmon-pink blossoms with yellow basal highlights.
Plant Guide
‘Climbing Pinkie’ Polyantha rose
Rosa 'Climbing Pinkie'This fragrant rose blooms nonstop from June until frost, with vivid pink, semidouble blossoms.
Plant Guide
Rosa ‘Basye’s Purple’
Rosa 'Basye's Purple'This outstanding rose has single, fragrant blossoms of rich cabernet-red.
Plant Guide
Origanum laevigatum and cvs.This plant is a creeping perennial that reaches 24 inches tall.
Plant Guide
Heavenly bamboo
Nandina domestica
Yellow-white flowers appear in late spring, followed by prolific berries that ripen from green to bright-red or purple in fall.
Plant Guide
Madonna lily
Lilium candidumOne of the oldest garden flowers, the madonna lily has bright green hosta-like basal rosettes appearing in winter and shallow-rooted bulbs that give it a distinctive appearance.
Plant Guide
Kolkwitzia amabilisDeciduous, suckering shrub bearing a profusion of bell-shaped flowers, pale to deep pink with a yellow throat, in late spring and early summer.
Plant Guide
‘Elizabeth Ann’ spotted geranium
Geranium maculatum ‘Elizabeth Ann’This gorgeous cultivar of the North American species has rich, chocolate brown foliage and contrasting lavender blooms.
Plant Guide
‘Ballerina’ scented geranium
Geranium cinereum ‘Ballerina’This beautiful, mounded, dwarf perennial has gray-green leaves (grayer than the species) and large, purplish pink flowers with purple veins and eyes.