Late Summer - Page 25 of 42

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    Chrysogonum virginianum var. virginianum 'Mark Viette'

    'Mark Viette' is a clump-forming, handsome 6-inch tall plant with thick, semi-evergreen deep green leaves and perky 1-inch flowers of buttercup yellow.

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    Heath aster

    Aster ericoides

    This clumping, bushy perennial has slender stems and small, lance-shaped, medium green leaves.

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    Joe Pye weed

    Eutrochium purpureum

    Large, domed flowerheads of pink, light purple, or off-white add soft color and texture to the summer and fall garden.

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    Common periwinkle, creeping myrtle

    Vinca minor 'Illumination'

    Like other creeping myrtles, 'Illumination' is a tough evergreen ground cover for shade that will grow in almost any soil.

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    Mexican sage

    Salvia darcyi

    From late spring to fall, this easy-going perennial bears deep orange-red flowers on 3- to 4-foot-tall spikes that rise above a loose, 6-foot-wide mound of heart-shaped, sticky leaves.

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    Love plant

    Oxalis triangularis

    Love plant, also known as purple shamrock has pretty foliage and dainty flowers that make it a good choice for containers, borders, or indoors.

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    Fatsia japonica

    Japanese fatsia has very large, hand-shaped glossy leaves that glow in the shade.

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    False spirea

    Sorbaria sorbifolia

    If you like plants that stay in tidy, little assigned corners, this is not the plant for you.

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    Dahlia ‘Bed Head’

    Dahlia 'Bed Head'

    'Bed Head'  is a tall plant with 4-inch-wide salmon-colored blooms with an unusually tangled appearance.

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    Sapphire jewelweed

    Impatiens namchabarwensis

    Sapphire jewelweed's serrated leaves are the color of polished jade, while the flowers are a remarkable sapphire blue.