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Red milkweed
Asclepias incarnataA member of the Asclepias (milkweed) genus, Red milkweed is a host plant for the caterpillar stage of the Monarch butterfly.
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Crimson Kisses weigela
Weigela 'Slingco 1'A new, more compact reblooming weigela with a tidy, rounded shape covered with bright, lipstick-red flowers kissed with a white eye.
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‘Persian Market’ daylily
Hemerocallis ‘Persian Market’Gorgeous deep rose pink blooms with a deeper rose halo. An All American Daylily Selection that makes a gorgeous show in summer.
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Lacey Blue Russian sage
Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Lisslitt’Hardy and heat tolerant with a sturdy, compact form that does not flop over. Lavender-blue floral sprays enhance the scented foliage.
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Sundenia Coral dipladenia
Dipladenia Sundenia CoralSundenia dipladenias are shipped in a 6 inch container, with an average height of 6 inches at delivery time. It will be ideal for planting directly into the landscape or…
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Sun Parasol Pretty Crimson
Mandevilla Sun Parasol Pretty CrimsonSun Parasol Pretty Crimson mandevilla blooms ferociously with 2 to 3 inch true-red flowers along thin, small,yet sturdy, glossy green leaves. A vigorous grower, Pretty Crimson can grow up to…
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‘Peach Drift’ Rose
Rosa 'Meiggili'The Peach Drift® Rose is one of the most floriferous dwarf shrubs available. Soft peach blooms cover the plant from mid-spring to the first hard freeze of late Fall. Peach…
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‘Gold Band’ pampas grass
Cortaderia selloana 'Gold Band'This clumping, drought-tolerant grass is one of the best pampas grasses you could grow.
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Sun Parasol Garden Crimson mandevilla
Mandevilla Sun Parasol Garden Crimson
Sun Parasol Garden Crimson is the first bedding plant mandevilla!